Homeo Treatment for Various Diseases


There is misconception that the Homeopathy medicine acts slowly as such may not be useful in emergencies. This is not correct .There are a number of Homeopathic medicines which are very useful in emergencies

A Bruise is an injury caused by a blow from blunt instrument which damages the soft tissues beneath the skin. There will not be opening in the skin but it is very painful.Drugs useful for contusions are:
Arnica 200: This may be given at the beginning.
Dose: Once in 15 to 30 minutes. Normally relief will be observed after administering 2-3 doses.

Ledum30: When the contusion persists for a long time and remains cold and numb.
Dose: Once in 3 hours. Up to 3-4 doses.

Ruta G 30: When shins bone is bruised injuring the peristeum.Severe pain even after using Arnica.
Dose: Once in 3 hours.