There are several drugs in Homeopathy for forgetfulness - weak memory
Treatment :
- Anacardium 30 : Impaired memory, absentmindedness. Sudden loss of memory. Everything seem to be in a dream, patient is troubled about his Forgetfulness, confused, unfit for business, lack of confidence in himself and others.
- Agnus castus 6, 30 : Absent minded, forgetful, cannot recollect, has to read a sentence twice before he can comprehend. Useful especially for those who become prematurely old aged due to abuse of sexual power.
- Argentum nitricum 30 : Memory weak, Errors of perception. Prematurely aged look. Useful especially to those who suffer from gastric affections with lot of belchings. Desire for cheese and salt.
- Baryta carb 30, 200 : Loss of memory, mental weakness, loss of confidence in him self. Useful in old people.
- Kali phos 6X : Loss of memory, prostration, feeling of weakness and tiresomeness. Useful when associated with nervous weakness.
- Lecithin 3X, 6X : For those who suffer from physical and mental exhaustion. Forgetful, Dull and confused, tired and weak feeling.
- Phosphoric acid 30 : Impaired memory Indifferent, cannot collect his thoughts or find the right word. Useful in those who suffered from nervous exhaustion and also in those young people who grow rapidly and who are overtaxed mentally and physically.
- Lycopodium 200 : Should be used as a constitutional remedy. Adapted to persons intellectually keen but of weak muscular power. Pre- senility, weak memory, confused thoughts, spells and writes wrong words and syllables. Failing brain power, complaints associated with dyspepsia and flatulance.
- Lac Caninum 30 : Very forgetful, absent minded, makes purchases and walks away without them. While writing uses too many words but not the right ones, omits final letter or letters in a word, cannot concentrate the mind to read or study.
- Nux Moschata 30 : Weakness or loss of memory. Vanishing of thoughts while reading, talking or writing, uses wrong words, does not recognise well known streets etc.
Note : Do not use higher dose unless required. I specified the required dose beside each medicine name. Properly diagnose your problem before selecting the medicine.